Imagine the classic scene of an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. The angel whispers kind words, guiding you to do what’s right, while the devil tempts you toward mischief and bad decisions.
Now, let’s apply that same idea to something that hits much closer to home: the two voices in your head that strongly influence your life.
I’m talking about the Dreamer and the Doubter.
We all have these two opposing voices.
The Dreamer is your cheerleader, forever excited about new possibilities. It’s the voice of passion, creativity, and big vision.
This voice encourages you to think bigger, move forward, and embrace your unique gifts.
It’s the part of you that says, “Yes, let’s try this! Let’s build something amazing! We can do it!”
On the other hand, the Doubter is the inner critic. It’s the voice that points out every potential pitfall. It wonders, “Is this too risky?” or “Who am I to do this?”
The Doubter tries to keep you safe by avoiding failure or discomfort. It says, “Slow down, don’t stand out too much, and keep your head down.”
Yep, the Doubter can be downright discouraging.
The question is: Which voice is running your show?
Which one is louder and more dominant in your daily life?
Do you tend to lean into that daring vision, or do you shrink back in fear, obeying every warning sign in your mind?
While you may be inclined to think the Dreamer is the “good” voice and the Doubter is the “bad” one, the truth is more complex.
The Doubter does serve a purpose.
For example, fear is useful when it reminds you to drive carefully during a storm or warns you when you sense danger in a social situation.
Without the Doubter, you might wander into harm’s way. It’s there to protect you. It serves a purpose, so don’t demonize it.
The key is to find a balance. You want the Dreamer to be in the spotlight because that is where growth and fulfillment live.
But you don’t want to ignore the Doubter completely. A healthy dose of caution can prevent unnecessary setbacks.
The goal is not to silence the Doubter but to tame it so it doesn’t hold you back.
How can you do this?
Start by noticing when the Doubter speaks up. Is it genuinely protecting you, or is it exaggerating the risk?
Thank it for trying to keep you safe, but then invite the Dreamer to take center stage.
Write down your big ideas, break them into small action steps, and trust the process. Remind yourself that you will learn something valuable no matter where your desires carry you.
Ultimately, you deserve to dream big and pursue what sets your soul on fire.
Let the Dreamer lead the way, influenced just enough by the Doubter to keep you steady.
That balance will help you reach new heights while staying grounded in reality.
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FYI … In January, I will launch a new program called “Speak! Write! Create! 21 Days to Rock-Solid Confidence as a Purpose-Driven Creator.” It will run January 11-31. More details coming soon.
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